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“Think like a publisher, not a marketer.” – David Meerman Scott

We’re sure you already know, having a good social media strategy is essential if you operate your own business in the modern world. To give you some context, here are some interesting stats provided by Sprout Social.

  • A total of 3.96 billion people have used social media since the start of this year across all platforms.
  • At least 95 minutes a day are spent on social media by individuals across all platforms (it is higher than ever, and still increasing).
  • TikTok is the social media platform with the quickest growth.
  • Approximately 10 million people currently use Facebook.
  • Instagram has the highest engagement rate (it has an 81% engagement rate, compared to Facebook with 8%).
  • Twitter is used every day by 52% of social users (while 84% of them use it weekly).

We could go on, but it’s obvious that social media is a sizable contemporary phenomenon that is here to stay and you need to try to not fall behind if you want your business to stand out! The mistake that many business owners make is trying to produce as much content as they can across as many channels as they can without any sort of plan. In essence, this is a waste of time. 

You can ensure that your efforts are successfully generating your targeted results (whether they be audience development, community participation, or sales – or all three!) by putting a social media strategy into place. You will quickly outperform your competitors if you develop a plan that is not only successful but also distinctive to your particular audience. Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in a good social media strategy.

Adapt to your client’s needs


A LOT of people utilise social media, as can be seen from the data above. We’re sure your clients do too. How will you get there before they do? Thinking strategically is crucial in this situation. Perform market research to decide which social media platforms you want to prioritise. Additionally, keep in mind that dialogues with your clients should not be monologues. Engage with them and hear what they have to say.

Increase brand recognition


Your brand’s visibility will grow thanks to a good social media plan. You get to share information that genuinely resonates with your target demographic with a larger audience, and it gives your clients a way to find you and get in touch with you. You will also draw in more clients if your brand presence is constant and you have a distinct voice.

Keep a step ahead of your competitors


What are your competitors doing on social media right now? Is their plan better effective than yours? What conclusions can you draw from the data? Keep in mind that your strategy should be distinct, and even though you can use some of the methods your primary competitors are using, consider what would make your brand stand out.

An increased and visible organic digital presence


You can prepare ahead of time by using an organic technique. Make a calendar for your social media content and use it to schedule posts in advance. The key to growing your platforms is consistency. Additionally, it will boost your website’s organic traffic. Keep in mind to always keep your content interesting and relevant.

Customer service


Customer service is now done on social media. While they are online, customers want to feel that their needs are being met. Excellent customer service will generate positive word-of-mouth and increase interest in your company.

As can be seen from the information provided above, it is imperative to have a well-planned and relevant social marketing strategy for your business’s social media platforms.  The days of posting a random picture of your product/ service online and hoping it generates the sales you want are long gone. Since social media and digital media as a whole are ever-changing, it is essential to keep things up-to-date if you want to get ahead!

More Thoughts & Insights.

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